A few weeks ago I read a blog about glass tiles. I found instructions and I ordered some 1" tiles from Etsy. Last night I finally put some of the tiles together. I like how they look, but I need to figure out how to finish the sides. The Diamond Glaze didn't cover the sides and I need something to protect the paper. Mom and I are going to have to figure something out (if you have any suggestions please let us know). I also want to add a signature to the back of the tiles so people know it was mom and I who took the pictures. Just have to write down notes to myself for the next batch of tiles to make.
The photographs I used were of flowers, a bumble bee, places around campus and then a waterfall at Turkey Run. I have already figured out what beads I want to use I just need to make the beads and I am still waiting for the bails to arrive. If they haven't arrived tonight I will convo the person on Etsy (it shouldn't take two weeks, should it?).

I have images I want to print off and make into a bracelet. I want to use the left over acid wash beads I used for January's Bead Challenge in this bracelet. The photos are of snow and those beads will go perfectly with the photos.

On other great news to make you feel all fuzzy and warm inside. Mom and I received a thank you email from my friend, who we made the necklace for and the wind chime for her new baby. She said she had her new necklace on today and felt so proud wearing it. She said she still couldn't believe the detail in the piece and doesn't have words to express her gratitude to us for making the piece for her.
Now that is why mom and I are in this. It sure as "heck" not for the money. It always makes me smile when I receive compliments like that from a customer.
Those are just gorgeous!!!!