Happy Birthday to me, and mom (on Thursday)!!!
Today I am saying goodbye to my 30's!
And I am saying hello to being a fabulous 40!!!!
On this day, 13 March at 11:01 am (Alaskan Time) and 50 degrees below 0, I was born. In mom's words, "
When you born you were beautiful. You didn't look like most of the infants, squished heads/red blotchy skin. Your skin was like porcelain, your little lips looked like little red tulips, you had "chipmunk" (chubby) cheeks, blue eyes, and white blond peach fuzz for hair. You were the only baby born that week that didn't have jaundice. It is a common occurrence in Alaska which requires newborns to be under a sun lamp for awhile. Good old Alaskan winters and lack of sunshine!".
I have to say I had fun and learned a lot in my 30s and here is a list of some of what happened during this past decade:
Bought a house in 2004 - moved in on December 31st, 2004. Thank goodness because it was a gorgeous day (almost in the 50's). The next day it was back to wintery weather and in the ER with my grandpa - Happy New Year 2005.
I was a full time student for a few years at Purdue University. My first major was Russian and Consumer and Family Sciences; left Purdue because I decided I didn't like either major and enrolled into Ivy Tech where I was going for an English major. I found out about lampworking, after interviewing a small business owner and took some classes in lampworking from the same owner and loved it. I then found out Purdue had a major for Metalsmithing and Jewelry so I enrolled back into Purdue as a part time student as I worked full time at Purdue. I am five classes and my senior show away from my degree - yes mom I will eventually finish my degree I promise!
Trying to figure out how to be a civilian the last 10 years has been interesting. The first two years I was out I still felt like I was AWOL and sometimes I feel out of step with everyone else. I wouldn't change the time I was in and I am glad I made the decision to get it out - even though it still feels weird to be a civilian :)
Saw Bon Jovi twice in concert - once was my 30th birthday present from mom (she still has the voicemail from the concert of me screaming that this was the best birthday present ever). The second time mom and I saw them we were in the mosh pit (about five feet away from the stage) when I was 33. Mom and I both loved the experience but we will NEVER do that again! We were on our feet for about 8 hours - from when we had to be there (about three hours before the show) and the whole show with the opening act and all their encores. We both have Plantar Fasciitis so you can imagine what we both felt like after that concert and the next day :)
Mom and I saw Nickelback open for the Bon Jovi concert - mom really loves them. So, for her birthday a few years ago I got us both Nickelback concert tickets - the concert was a blast!!!!
Had fun coloring my hair different colors - pink, purple, blue. I am still having fun coloring my hair but now it is different colors of red.
I got my last tattoo in
2009 as a birthday present for myself. It is forget-me-not flowers with birthstone colors in the middle of the flower. The flowers are the state flower of Alaska (where I was born) and the birthstone colors are for my mom, aunt, brother, niece and nephew. I also have four small flowers with the birthstone centers for the memory of my grandparents. The next tattoo I want to get mom is working on designing for me and I am so ready to get another one. Maybe that will be another birthday present for myself :)
I was lucky enough to come home and spend time with both sets of grandparents before they all passed away. I miss you all!
- Grandma Jo - October 2002
- Grandpa Lee - January 2005
- Grandma Mert - April 2006 (I was with her as she passed away)
- Grandpa Ralph - July 2010
From L to R 0- Koshka, Reville, Mishka, Tiesha (about all I use my Russian for
now is to name my cats) |
When I was growing up we always had dogs and I was never really around cats until mom had Max and Samantha. I blame mom for hooking me onto the fur babies. I just sort of accumlated them. I first got Koshka (her name means cat in Russian) in 2001. Mishka (teddy bear in Russian) was next in 2003 - he suckered me right in by putting his paw outside the cage and against my cheek - I was a goner. Chai (tea in Russian) came along in 2004 - she was my present to myself for finally closing the deal on the house and picking out all the interior stuff for the house. Tiesha (quiet in Russian) came along in 2005 and finally Reville came along in 2007 (I blame mom for her).
One of the hardest things for me to do was put Chai to sleep last year. I know she was sick and I didn't want her to suffer but it hurt. I held her as they gave her the medicine and her suffering ended. She was my bitch cat but I still miss her every day!
The Number One Big Thing of my 30s - mom and me starting the jewelry business - big leap of faith there in 2008. I have never regretted it and I am so glad mom wanted to start the business with me (even though I made her president and she has to do all the money!).
I had a wonderful 30s and I can't wait to see what my 40s bring.