Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday Eye Candy and Your Opinion

Mom and I went to the studio today and I was able to get six bowls enameled and part of the June Art Bead Challenge piece enameled. While I was enameling mom was able to cut out two very large bowls (which I will enamel next Saturday), a couple of small pendants I am working on for a friend, and filed/sanded three more bowls.
Ginkgo - yellows w/ spruce/gem/Nile green

Here are the fruits of our labor. Enjoy!
Flower Bowl - Atlantic Blue, Iris, Orchid

Heart Bowl - Red and Black

Heart Bowl - Atlantic Blue, Iris, Orchid

Ginkgo bowl - spruce/gem/Nile green

Here is the piece I plan on using in this months Art Bead Scene Monthly Challenge. I made two in case I messed up one of the pieces.

Dancer dress in pink
Dancer dress in purple

This is another bowl I enameled. Both mom and I like the inside of the bowl. The outside of the bowl is up for grabs. Mom likes what happened to the bowl but I am on the fence on whether or not I like what happened, and I have no idea how this happened. Let me know what you all think - Keep it the way it is or try to fix it and cross your fingers that I can.

Inside of bowl

Outside of bowl


  1. wow everything looks so pretty. I love the colors you use.

  2. Keep it. Did it maybe overfire? Or did it somehow get contaminated with something before firing (oils, or something??)? I like it though. It's interesting visually, and the texture is great.

    I love the dancer dress shape and color, too, btw.

  3. @Nicole - thank you for your wonderful comments!

    @Christine - I know I didn't do my usual routine of putting clear down first (almost out of it). I also cleaned the heck out of it, so really not sure what happened. Thanks for your comments, mom likes the texture also so I may not try and fix the bowl (I may make it worse).


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