Monday, February 24, 2014

Enameling Weekend

This past weekend was a big enameling session for us.  We had pendants to enamel for the Challenge of Music, March 1st, and the January and February ABS Challenge.  I also had the bib necklace I have been trying to enamel for almost a year - which I was finally able to complete.

The final pieces - that I can share with you :)  The piece on the left, looks like a rocket, is for the February ABS Challenge.  Mom and I will be assembling that tonight so I can take pictures and post.  Then you have the bib necklace, the bib necklace from the January ABS Challenge that we didn't complete and an iris pendant.  I am really, really happy with the way everything turned out!

These are the pendants for the Challenge of Music pieces - mom has a piece and I have a piece.  The challenge is on March 1st.

Another thing accomplished this weekend was that I straightened up the garage some - we could barely move around with everything just stacked up.  While I was cleaning up I came across several cookie sheets of pieces that need to be re-worked or fixed.  I need to get on that before our show at the end of March.  I guess mom and I need to clean up more often :)

 Mom assembling the piece for the Echo Creative Challenge.  She is really intent on what she is doing.

While I was enameling on Sunday mom was assembling our piece for the Echo Creative Club due on February 25th.  I am really happy with the way this piece turned out and I can't wait to share it with you all tomorrow!

Mom also laid out her piece for the Challenge of Music - need to string it and finish it off.  I am still figuring out what beads I want to go with mine.

 Mom yesterday afternoon after we had completed everything we needed to get done.  She has Zola and Sasha laying on her and Lilly is next to her. 

That is a recap of this weekend.  More pictures will be coming this week for each of the challenges we are participating in - and I can't wait to share!

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