Sorry I have been quiet on the blogging front, but this week was a week of hell for me and my work computer. On June 4th my office moved to a new location on the second floor of our building. The move went pretty smooth and the set up of the computers went pretty well, a shout out to our IT people - You guys did a great job! Once they got the computer into my new cube we found out I didn't have any power. I finally got power but found out I didn't have a network cable and I couldn't get to the internet or to any of my drives. At lease that gave me time to unpack my stuff and get my cube set up the way I wanted. I put in a request for a network cable before I left for the day and hoped it would be there when I got to work on Monday.
Guess what, got to work on Monday and still no network cable. So I got to play computer hop scotch while I worked until they brought me a network cable, which was in the late afternoon Monday - YEAH! I got to work at my desk for a day and a half before I got a virus on my compter Wednesday morning. WTH!!!! I have no idea what happened but I was freaking out - our IT guy came and said it was nothing I did, but they were going to have to re-image my computer - I lost all my work links, my personal links and the most important links, the blogging links. I think that is what hurt the most!!! The IT guys got my computer done late Wednesday afternoon and Thursday I spent about two to three hours downloading my work programs and trying to remember what work links I needed in my favorites.
I think what made this week more bearable was the following - a package from KJ of
Silver Parrot and a package from Juls of
Julsbeads. OMG ladies those packages were great and perked me up like nobody's business.
About a month ago KJ posted the blog
Let's Play a Game, you had to guess what wasn't in her purse and post it. I actually guessed correctly and I won four of her wonderful ice resin pieces. Love, love, love them and I was all a flutter when mom brought the package to work for me to open. It was almost like my birthday - PRESENTS! Aren't they great!

The next package arrived Thursday and mom brought it to me, at work, on Friday morning. I was giddy, like it was Christmas, because I knew what was in that package - gorgelicious beads -that was what was in that package people. I couldn't wait to cut open the bubble package and pull out the items. The package was so prettily wrapped that I didn't want to open them, but I knew I had to if I wanted to get to those beads. I opened the package and thought, "Mine, all mine". Though I am sure mom would have hit me over the head if I kept them all to myself, but they are soooooo pretty and feel all good when you play with them. Of course we are keeping them for ourselves but we need to think of what we want to make with all that gorgeousness. Oh happy day!
Thank you card and wrapped package |
Candy, Wrapping, Card
Beady Goodness by Juls |
Beady Goodness |
The next big thing is our second art show of the season. It will be at the
Whtye Horse Winery in Monticello, IN. This will be the first time we have participated in this show and mom and I are excited. We are just crossing our fingers that the thunderstorms will pass us by and we will have an awesome show. I will take photos and post them on Monday.
Bead Soup Party is just around the corner and I seriously can't wait. My bead soup partner,
Christine, has posted a
sneak peek of what she made on her blog. Because there are so many of us participating in the party Lori has broken down the participants into segements and dates to post their finished pieces. We are suppose to post our piece on the 19th of June and Christine will post her piece on the 21st of June. I can't wait to see what everyone has made. Here is another sneak peek of the piece we created from the wonderful stash that Christine sent us.
Sneak Peek |