With the cups and textured cylinders I was trying multiply glazes on each of the cylinders. I like how some of the glaze made patterns on the cups. The glaze ran down the sides and gave the cups a nice visual depth to the piece. (Is that some nice artistic talk or what?)

I am also so happy with how the lidded cylinder turned out. The clear glaze over the colors really made the images stand out on the cylinder. It is so exciting to see what happens after the firing of each piece. I was also really scared that the lid would get stuck to the body of the piece when the glaze melted. That happened to one of the girls and her lid broke off when she was trying to bang the lid and body apart.

My box cylinder came out of the firing in one piece and I was able to take the lid off, which of course I was worried about. I like how the clear glaze over the clay turned out, that was interesting.

The final projects I am waiting on to be fired are the “Plastic” form bowl, my hollow hand that was to be 3x the size of a regular hand, and my final project.

These are the 10 cylinders I threw and glazed to be graded.

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