Two weekends ago mom and I had our last show of the year. And boy was I glad that this one was inside.
On the drive to the location it started to spit snow. I thought it was only going to spit a little bit of snow...OH NO...we actually got a lot of snow. I don't remember the last time we had snow this early. All I have to say is thank goodness we had students to help us unload before the show and helped us load up after the show. This kids are awesome to be there that early in the morning to help - I don't think they realize how much that can mean to the artists who have to haul all of their stuff to setup locations. There was one time where I had to haul all of our stuff almost two blocks by hand - not a good start to show!
2015 Harrison Show - Evie and Beth Pic |
Here is our standard picture together from each show. What is funny is that this picture is almost exactly the same from last year.
2015 Harrison Show - Evie and Beth Pic |
It looks like we swapped clothes this year from last year. Though still blonde and gray haired ladies :)
I did actually let mom take a full body pic of me - plus I wanted to show off the boots :) Love the boots - but they sure aren't water proof. The parking lot was soup city from all the snow and there were puddles everywhere.
You can sort of see the snow coming down - this was taken right after we setup for the show and we had some extra time before the doors opened. I was walking around and decided to take a pic of the yucky white stuff coming down.
This was taken closer to the end of the show. Yes, it does look pretty and I do like to take pictures of winter landscapes - but that still doesn't mean I like the white stuff!
But - of course the snow didn't last more than a few days. We were back in the 50's and then it was 40's and 50's with rain. Not sure when the next snow fall will be - though I do like to see the white stuff on Christmas, and only on Christmas.
I plan on posting some more this week of things that mom and I have made - that I have not shared - have not been in the blogging mood. Though I think I am over that now.
Inventory laid out to take pictures of and list on Etsy |
Yesterday I spent some time taking pictures of inventory. Mom and I also need to sit down and choose more images to have made into metal prints - we actually are pretty low. We also need to get the sawing moved from the garage into the computer room so we can start working during the cold months - need to get stocked back up.
I did get the metal prints posted to
Etsy. I will work on the pendants the rest of the week.
While I was taking pictures of the inventory mom was working on scanning in letters from my Great-Uncle Gerald to my great-grandparents from WWII. There were his letters, letters from a fellow soldier and a letter from his commander. The letter from his commander was telling my grandparents about how he was killed on Iwo Jima and where he was buried. The letter from his friend was telling my grandparents about what happened and that Gerald didn't suffer.
Mom and I wanted to scan the documents onto the computer - we have it backed up - so if anything happened to the actual letters we have them saved digitally. I think mom also wants to create a book of the letters and give the book to my Uncle Al (Gerald's brother).