The new wood floor - so nice not to have hills in the floor now |
This past week mom and I had new wood floors put down in the living room and two hallways. A little over a month ago our water heater decided to spring a leak and water went everywhere. We thought we got it mopped up and fans going pretty fast - but it went into the hallway and damaged our wood floors. So, insurance was called, a run to Home Depot to figure out the wood floor color we wanted and then waited for the delivery and install.
While waiting for the call for the install - we had to move all the furniture out of the living room - and that meant unloading the Shrank (this is a solid German wall unit mom bought when we were living in Germany). Mom had it filled with all of our glass work we have purchased over the years, old photo albums, vinyl records, VCR tapes and DVDs. That was fun to unload. We then broke down and asked a good friend of ours if he could help us move it. I really don't think he will volunteer for anything ever again :)
Lily watching the fan |
This past Tuesday the guys, who would lay the floor, came to the house - and of course after they pulled up the floor there were issues. So, there was some major clean up and then mom bought bleach and cleaned up the floor. So, on Wednesday they came back and laid the floors.
On Sunday our friend (yes, he came back) helped move the Shrank back into the house. Once it was in mom and I had to put it back together again - and boy was that fun. We will start putting the pretties back in this week - because it has to get done before we pick up my niece and nephew this Saturday for a two week visit. We really need to get the TV back in place so they can play the Wii.
Other fun things happening - our new George Burns rose bush (my other George Burns finally died) is blooming. Both mom and I were so excited to see the first bloom open up. Now he has about 10 blooms opened up and they smell so good.
After almost eight years of doing craft and art shows - mom and I finally bought a banner. Both of us are so happy with the way it turned out. LOVE IT!
On Sunday - while mom was cleaning - I was taking pictures of the metal prints that arrived on Saturday. I had to go on a scavenger hunt for the box - it said it was delivered but there wasn't a box on the front porch. So, went up and down our street until I found the box on our neighbor's porch. At least it got me outside to walk around - but there was a slight panic there for awhile.
Here is what got posted on
I hope you all had a great weekend - and a great start to the summer!